It was pretty clear that the WT leadership, specifically Fred Franz, was pushing hard that something would happen in 1975. You can tell that was the case about his reaction when nothing significant occurred in October that year - as he had prophecied. What is my evidence?
Because Franz immediately followed up with the excuse that maybe the count should have started when Eve was created - not Adam. He had no idea if Adam had lived days, months, or even years before Eve was popped out of his rib cage.
One other possibility that Franz and other floated was that the time started when Adam and Eve were tossed out of the garden. No way to calculate that either.
What they really missed in all of this is that there is not one single reference in the Bible that supports "creative days" being 7000 years long. That is totally a Watchtower hyper-myth. Many evangelical religions do not tie creative days to any specific time periods, but some suggest that each creative day was 1000 years. (A day unto the Lord is as a 1000 years,etc.) In fact, a candidate for Congress in the recent USA elections actually stated that he believed the earth was less than 9000 years old - which of course is nonsense considering how long human society has existed.
Those of us who were around at the time remember very clearly what was happening at assemblies and in our Kingdom Halls. Not a single meeting went by that some mention of 1975 was made in passing or directly from the podium. My parents called me (I wasn't in during the early 70s) and begged me to repent and return to The Truth for my sake and that of my children "because the brothers at Bethel are saying that we only have a couple of years left."
They loved me and sincerely did not want me or my family to die in 1975. My father was an elder at the time and privy to all the insider talk based on letters and information passed on from Bethel.
Anyone denying that the leaders of the Watchtower at all levels were pushing the belief that Armageddon was coming in 1975 is simply in denial, or worse.